Wednesday, October 28, 2009

week ten, part one | FREE YOUR MIND

take a tip from en vogue...

Chances are that you already know much more about how the Hatchery will take physical form than you think you do. Hidden deep within the recesses of your mind are lots of ideas waiting to get out. Your objective today is simply to release them, or in other words, free your mind!

Expanding upon your case study analyses, inspiration investigation and process thus far, spend the next hour writing a narrative that begins to speak to your conceptual framework/intent. What are the pieces you have so far? How do they work together? How do they tie back to the functions of the Hatchery? Greensboro? It may help if you approach this assignment through the eyes of guest visiting for the first time. What do they see from the time they approach the space to the time they exit with [hopefully] shopping bag in hand? Consider the entire space, but focus at length on the retail experience.

This is a free write, meaning your composition can take any shape. It must, however, be posted on your blog. At 2:30 you will read and respond to the writings of the classmate listed below and above you on the blog list. In your comments to your peers be sure to include constructive criticism that can help them in the days to come.

We will meet in the conference room at 3:00 where we will discuss the next phase of this project.

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